Guangdong Jienuo Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.
Guangdong Jienuo Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.

What are the methods of disinfection in dishwashers?

The importance of dishwasher disinfection lies in ensuring that dishes are cleaned and sanitized effectively to reduce the risk of foodborne illness. In today's world, it is essential to maintain high standards of hygiene and cleanliness, especially in the kitchen, to prevent the spread of harmful bacteria and viruses.

1.Ultraviolet disinfection method of dishwasher

Ultraviolet (UV) disinfection is a method that uses ultraviolet light to kill bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms. In a dishwasher, UV disinfection involves the use of UV-C light, which has a wavelength of between 200 to 280 nanometers. This wavelength is effective in killing harmful microorganisms by destroying their DNA structure.

UV disinfection in dishwashers is typically used in addition to other cleaning and sanitizing methods, such as high temperature and steam, to provide an extra layer of protection against harmful microorganisms. The UV light is emitted from a UV lamp and is directed onto the dishes as they pass through the dishwasher machine.

2.High temperature disinfection method of the dishwasher

High temperature disinfection is a method of sanitizing dishes in a dishwasher by using water at high temperatures to kill bacteria and viruses. In this method, water is heated to a temperature of at least 170°F (77°C) to achieve the necessary level of disinfection.

The high temperature disinfection method is typically used in dishwashers that have a sanitize wash setting. During this setting, the dishwasher raises the water temperature to a high level to kill harmful microorganisms. This method is effective in killing a wide range of bacteria and viruses, including those that are resistant to other methods.

3.The silver ion sterilization method of the dishwasher

Silver ion sterilization is a method of disinfecting dishes in a dishwasher by using silver ions to kill bacteria and viruses. In this method, silver ions are released into the dishwasher water, where they bond with the cell walls of harmful microorganisms and disrupt their functioning, leading to their death.

Silver ions have a strong antimicrobial effect and are effective against a wide range of bacteria, viruses, and fungi. In dishwashers, silver ion sterilization can be achieved through the use of silver ion-releasing products or through the incorporation of silver ions into the dishwasher's internal components.

4. The plasma sterilization method of the dishwasher

Plasma sterilization is a method of disinfecting dishes in a dishwasher by using plasma technology to kill bacteria and viruses. In this method, a plasma generator creates a cloud of charged particles that surround and penetrate the cell walls of harmful microorganisms, disrupting their functioning and leading to their death.

Plasma sterilization is a highly effective method for killing a wide range of bacteria, viruses, and fungi, including those that are resistant to other methods. In dishwashers, plasma sterilization can be achieved through the use of plasma-generating components or by incorporating plasma technology into the dishwasher's design.

The disinfection functions of most disinfection cabinets and dishwashers are basically not much different, and they can achieve at least a two-star disinfection effect. Compared with the dishwasher, the function of the disinfection cabinet is relatively simple, and it can only perform ultraviolet sterilization and drying.The main function of the dishwasher is to replace manual dishwashing and completely free hands.It also has drying and disinfection functions, which are more diverse in function and more practical.

In addition, the space of many home kitchens is actually not large, and disinfection cabinets and dishwashers can only be selected. Although the audience of disinfection cabinets is more than that of dishwashers, it depends on the market development trend of dishwashers and the future market share. It will definitely be larger than the disinfection cabinet. Now the dishwasher market has just begun to develop, and the disinfection function is already so rich. In this case, it is recommended that you choose a dishwasher .